Story Guidelines

Tell your story. Shout it. Write it. Whisper if you have to.
Some won’t understand it. Some will outright reject it.
But many will thank you for it.
Then the most magical thing will happen…
One by one, voices will start whispering, ‘ME TOO‘. 
~ L.R. Knost ~

What sharing Your Story can do...

for you:

✓  Heal
✓  Feel Good
✓  Satisfaction
✓  Make a Difference
✓  Sense of Purpose
✓  A Way to Give Back
✓  Be Part of Something BIG

for others:

✓  Heal
✓  Inspire
✓  Motivate
✓  Encourage
✓  Give Real Hope
✓  Make a Difference
✓  Spread Happiness

Do you want to make a difference and be remembered?
Become a published author, and have your story be part of our book series. We are looking for you!

Getting published to be remembered is something that almost everyone dreams of, whether it’s writing a short story, poetry, or a full-length novel. However, finding the right platform that can
make your vision become a reality can be quite tricky.

That is why we’ve opened up the opportunity for anyone out there to get published on
our platform – and your story could be next.

You need to have:

✓  A good, personal, story to tell in 1400 words or less OR
✓  Record your story and we’ll transcribe it (no writing necessary on your part!)
✓  A digital format of the source material (Word, PDF, MP3, etc.)
✓  The name you’d like published with your story (full name, first name only, initials, or no name)
✓  Fun

⮕ 100% Original content from you without lifting from any other source online or offline. 
⮕ Must not contain any themes which promote racism or discrimination.
⮕ It should not contain any phrases that are too profane or offensive to any community, religion, etc.
⮕ No sales pitch, biography, or testimonial.
⮕ No speech, essay, eulogy, or anything along those lines.
⮕ No third party story (i.e. as told to, so-and-so said, etc.)
⮕ No College type papers, letters, thesis, etc.

We will provide:

✓  Editing, if necessary, and send it to you for approval before publishing.
✓  Opportunity to be a guest in our study group to share your insights with our members
✓  Opportunity to purchase paperback copies in bulk (25 book minimum) at a huge discount
✓  Bragging Rights 🥰

⮕ 25% of all proceeds are being donated to a non-profit organization.

Email your story to: 

⮕ As this is an ongoing project, the sooner you send in your story, the sooner we can include it in the book 🤩

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