

This is a powerful question! Please consider it carefully.

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Group Coaching
Mastermind to Happiness
Your Bi-Weekly Journey to Joy! Unlock the secrets to lasting happiness with our monthly subscription, inspired by Beenie Mann's award-winning book, "Happiness Matters: Unleash Your Superpower in 7 Easy Steps." Join 'Mastermind to Happiness' today and take the first step towards a happier, more fulfilling life! Because your happiness truly matters.
Group Coaching
Coaching em Grupo
Mastermind da Felicidade
A nossa dose quinzenal de alegria e transformação! Mastermind da Felicidade é a tua subscrição mensal inspirada no livro premiado e best-seller de Beenie Mann, "A Felicidade Importa: Liberta o Teu Superpoder em 7 Passos Fáceis". Junta-te a nós! Transforma a tua vida, um passo de cada vez, com Mastermind da Felicidade. 
Coaching em Grupo
!!! Available Now !!!
Sónia and Sabine, the Dynamic Duo, are excited to introduce the 'Stupid Simple' Self-Study courses. These courses strip away unnecessary complexity and present information in a straightforward, no-nonsense manner. Designed for those seeking clear, practical guidance through life's challenges, the courses offer condensed wisdom and actionable tips. They break down a variety of topics into manageable segments that are easy to understand and implement. Though the journey may not be easy, Sónia and Sabine promise that, with their approach, navigating through life's pathways can indeed be 'Stupid Simple'.
1-on-1 Coaching
1-on-1 Coaching ~ Sónia ~
Sónia is passionate about helping clients achieve their aspirations through personalized coaching. Emphasizing the importance of guidance and accountability, she believes no one should pursue greatness alone. A coach not only accelerates your journey to success but also ensures a supportive partnership. Ready to reach your goals faster?
1-on-1 Coaching
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® ~ Sabine ~
QHHT®: A Gateway to the Higher Self and Universal Consciousness. This transformative technique opens the door to our all-knowing essence, known as The Higher Self, The Oversoul, or simply the Soul. As we enter life on Earth, our memories of past existences and our soul's connection to The Source fade. QHHT® offers everyone, regardless of background, culture, religion, or belief system, a pathway to connect with what Dolores Cannon termed The Subconscious (later abbreviated to The SC). This part of us, lying beyond the reach of our conscious mind, maintains a constant link to The Source or God, endowed with boundless knowledge and the extraordinary capacity to heal our physical forms. Often, our mental and physical issues stem from traumas in past lives or are tied to the lessons we are currently learning. The SC uncovers these origins and provides guidance tailored to each soul's unique journey.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®
Tarot Map Reading
Tarot Map Reading ~ Sónia ~
Are You Ready to Transform Your Life? Discover the answers you've been seeking and the paths yet unexplored. Sónia's Tarot Map Readings are more than just a reading; they're a beacon for those ready to illuminate their journey. Let the Tarot guide you towards a future of clarity, purpose, and empowerment.
Tarot Map Reading
Break through Limiting Beliefs with PSYCH-K® ~ Sabine ~
Each of us faces an invisible adversary, the deep-seated beliefs that dwell in the hidden recesses of our minds, stealthily thwarting our greatest efforts. These internal adversaries are the architects of our limitations, often so deeply embedded that they operate beyond the reach of our conscious detection. Yet, there lies our shared vision: to illuminate these covert impediments and, together, meticulously deconstruct them, unlocking a pathway for you to pursue your highest potential. This is where the transformative prowess of PSYCH-K® sweeps in—your ally in this intimate revolution. It’s more than a technique; it's a breakthrough, an expedited journey to self-liberation. With PSYCH-K®, we don’t just skim the surface; we dive into the depths where true change is born. It’s a dynamic, swift, and profound approach to personal evolution, designed to instill lasting empowerment. By aligning your beliefs with your aspirations, PSYCH-K® doesn't just close the gap—it propels you across it, turning your once-distant dreams into present realities.
Write and Publish Your Book
Write and Publish Your Book ~ Sabine ~
Embarking on the journey of writing and publishing your own book is undoubtedly a Herculean task that may seem intimidating at first glance. With the experience of having navigated the literary labyrinth ourselves, authoring and co-authoring several works, we've garnered a treasure trove of knowledge that we're eager to impart. Our aim is to transform what appears to be an arduous venture into a delightful and fulfilling odyssey. Allow us the privilege to illuminate your path to publishing success, ensuring that your experience is not only productive but also thoroughly gratifying.
Write and Publish Your Book
It's normal to face challenges and difficulties from time to time, and often, a small push in the right direction is all we need to make progress. We invite you to explore our 'Happy Supply Shop' and take advantage of the resources we offer. These resources are thoughtfully designed to provide you with inspiration and support as you navigate life's ups and downs. We hope you find them helpful and uplifting.

Take the First Step to Changing Your Life

We’d love to hear and share your story in our upcoming book series. Click here for more info.

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