
Benefits of Daydreaming
Most of us have been told at some point in our lives that daydreaming is a bad thing. We were probably...
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Are You Taking Care if Yourself?
There are 5 dire consequences when you neglect self-care! In our modern world, it is easy to let self-care...
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5 Ways to Become Your Own Best Friend
Many people think frequently of how they could be a better friend to those close to them but rarely think...
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Is a Positive Self Image Important on Social Media?
YES! It is important to project a positive self-image on social media. We see a lot of people posting...
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Are You Neglecting Self-Care?
87% of Americans are experiencing high stress from various sources (Stress in America’ poll by American...
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5 Awesome Benefits of Being Different
You should never be different just because. What we’re referring to is giving voice to your unique...
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6 Signs Your Social Wellness Needs Work
Humans are social beings. Social interactions are one of our basic needs, and we need it to remain stable...
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6 Reasons Self-Care is so Important
Practicing self-care is important to staying healthy and happy, but it can be hard to know what self-care...
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5 Instant Benefits of Visualization
Many people shy away from visualization to achieve their goals simply because it feels like it would...
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Visualization Success in Less than 30 Minutes a Day
You have big goals in your life. You’ve even heard visualization is the key to reaching those goals....
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5 Steps to Using Visualization to Get What You Want
What do you want out of life? More importantly, how do you intend to go about getting it? We all have...
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Yup, it is that time of the year again. You guessed it… It’s the time where we all look back on the past...
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Follow Your Dreams...
We all have dreams and ambitions. Sadly, most of the time we do not follow them or act upon them. We...
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Attitude of Gratitude
It’s funny how once a year, here in the US, people gather to give thanks. For some, it might be the only...
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Laughter IS the best Medicine!
Not sure about you, but growing up and even these days, I hear ‘laughter is the best medicine’. Maybe...
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Boundaries are amazing and totally necessary to protectyourself, your energy, and most of all… Your sanity!...
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Pain is Inevitable…
Suffering is optional. The first time a friend told me this, I argued tooth and nail with her. Clearly,...
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Our Mindset Controls Our Life
Sometimes, we wonder why our life is the way it is. I most certainly have wondered this many times growing...
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Be You!
Being true to oneself is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves. We are so conditioned to fit in...
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Positive Self-Talk
A few years ago, when I started my journey of personal development, a mentor asked me: Would you be offended...
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Change is Good
If there is one thing I have learned over the years is that change is a good thing. Change allows us...
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